Even you can make a difference today!

I hope everyone reading this is abiding by the #saferathomeWI. So how can you make a difference while you are stuck at home? I believe with a little creativity and thinking, you can come up with something to do to help others...some without even leaving your home.

This week I baked treats for my friend's brother who is working at a covid-19 ICU at a local hospital. My girls also made posters with encouraging words for them to display. If you like to bake, that might be one way to help. The hospital staff even created a bulletin board of the posters we sent! My friend picked up the posters and treats right off our porch and delivered them to the ICU.

We have also been calling and texting homebound relatives to keep in touch. Videos with jokes or stories, my girls dancing, and some with just a hello made my older aunties who are stuck at home smile. These are not aunts that I contact regularly, but it has been nice to reconnect. We probably don't call or text them a lot because of a lack of time. However, TIME is one thing we have a lot of right now!

The photo above is from a family wedding with some aunties and uncles a couple years ago.

What are you going to do with your TIME? How can you help others while you are #saferathome? I can't wait to hear what you come up with! My next blog will be a list of other ideas for you to reach out and make a difference. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This is amazing!! i love the ideas and i think its great to share with others who instead of watching TV, they can help share positivities and ideas with others! Stay safe! I have been doing a lot of puzzles and family walks!


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